

Is available on the market Timişoara, oraşul libertăţii româneşti/ Timişoara, City of Romanian Freedom/Temeswar, die Stadt der rumänischen Freiheit.
Mr. Mihai Botescu, one of the most representative architects of our city signs this complex colour photo album.

In this 200-page album, the author has managed to exquisitely capture the most beautiful buildings and squares of Timişoara, the first Romanian revolutionary city, as well as the 12 monuments built in the memory of the Romanian Revolution of 1989 and at the exact locations where the demonstrators had been shot.

Published with the financial support of the Mayor’s Office of the City of Timişoara, the album has been prepared in three languages (Romanian, English and German), so that the foreign visitors coming to our city and to our Museum be able to access valuable information about Timişoara.

We proudly take this opportunity to thank all our sponsors for having supported us in developing our programmes: Lipoplast, Aquatim, Neuromed, Mitropoly of Banat, Romanian-Catholic Episcopate, Constructim, Petre Petrişor and Associates (Notary Public Office).

Editor: „Memorialul Revoluţiei 16-22 Decembrie 1989” Association, Photos taken by: Mihai Botescu – architect; Texts legends images: Mihai Opriş – architect; Concept/ Graphic presentation/Prepress: Pavel Vereş, visual artist, Lavinia Vereş – graphic designer; Texts: For readers: Traian Orban, Ph.D. – Chairman of AMR Timişoara; Foreword: Robert Şerban – writer; Timişoara. A brief history of urban evolution: Mihai Botescu – architect; Print: ArtPress, Timişoara, Romania, 2014.


ISBN code: 978-606-93878-4-9

Tel./Fax: 0356.100.105 / 0256.294.936


The album may be purchased at our head office from Timişoara, Str. Oituz n. 2B (nearby the Faculty of Arts).